BactInflam bandeau_image 300x1383
Themes and Objectives

Themes and Objectives

In this section

Temas & Objectivos
BactInflam IJL concentra-se nos componentes bacterianos envolvidos em algumas doenças inflamatórias, sendo elas: doença inflamatória intestinal crônica (DII) e mastite, afetando a saúde humana e a saúde animal, respectivamente.
Themes & Objectives
BactInflam IJL focuses on the bacterial components involved in some inflammatory diseases. In particular, in two of them: chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and mastitis, affecting human health and animal health, respectively.
Thèmes & Objectifs
Le LIA BactInflam s’intéresse à la composante bactérienne de certaines maladies inflammatoires. En particulier, pour deux maladies inflammatoires, les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin (MICI) et les mammites, touchant respectivement la santé humaine et la santé animale.

Modification date: 21 July 2023 | Publication date: 20 February 2019 | By: STLO INRA