Themes & Objectives

Presentation BactInflam

Beneficial bacteria (propionic acid-, lactic acid- or commensal- bacteria), and compounds thereof, could serve as complements or alternatives to current anti-IBD treatments and to antibiotics used in prevention and treatment of mastitis.

A long standing and fruitful collaboration


Bact-Inflam objectives

  • To identify bacterial determinants involved in pro- or anti-inflammatory processes in various context (IBD and mastitis)
  • To characterize inflammatory processes with, as a start point, our models of mammary gland and gut

Bact-Inflam strategy

  • Characterization of the inflammation process and of the bacteria involved in the inflammation (e.g. S. aureus / mastitis)
  • Determination of microbiota composition associated to inflamed or healthy organes
  • Identification of marker species (dysbiosis/inflamed or eubiosis/healthy)
  • Characterization of these biomarkers at the cellular and molecular levels
  • Validation on animal models
  • Development of new therapeutic strategies and or alternatives to allopathic treatments, based on the use of immunomodulatory bacteria or bacterial compounds.